Friday, December 14, 2007

i know i'm almost fired!

Hello, so i am in fact a liar!!! Damn it. The problem these days is that i have been playing a little to hard if ya know what i mean. I have been THAT GUY who drank on tues wed and thurs. night. I know who does that!? Well i did this week. So i have been side tracked and i'm sorry. But there will be postings soon and good ones i may add. I got to show our seahawk christmas tree some love so i will get pictures posted. I will redeem myself. Just wait!!! yeha have a good one!


Anonymous said...

still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!! Better quit that partying shit or your gonna get a bad reputation.

Sundi said...

Please make it worth my effort to click on your blog from Jocelyns favorites.

Jocelyn said...

Sundi is so good with the one liners. I love it. You don't expect it and it makes them all that much better. So Cole, make it worth it already!