Saturday, December 22, 2007

surfin the web and i found this picture

HAHA so of course i'm at work and a bit bored. I found this picture and couldn't sotp laughin. I love it. looks like the cat is watching tv. Looks like the kitty might have ate buster or something because that thing is huge. hah! well more to come tomorrow buhbi!


Anonymous said...

Who in the He double hockey sticks even plays soccer this time of year with all the crazyness of Christmas???? Why aren't you at home wrapping presents??? Love the picture of the cat. I will try to catch Princeton in the sitting position..he looks as fat as that cat!

Marnae and Matt said...

I want to squeeze him cause he is so fat!!! You were really bored!

Sundi said...

I was laughing until I read the Buster comment. You better watch it buddy. Besides after the holiday you should see HER! I think I saw that same picture somewhere myself this week. Where did I see it? Was it on the internet?

Sue said...

Cole - you must be more diligent in your blogging - especially with Joc out of commission in HI - you should stop by, the Tattoo Parlor is in full operation - Pete is an inking machine!

Sue said...

chep...pete...hit me up. 2067951824...later

Jocelyn said...

Jesus Cole. If i'm gonna take the time to look at your blog all the way from Hawaii, I want to see something different than this fat cat already:) New Year's Resolution #1 for you: Be Better Blogger (BBB).

Sundi said...

This is BS and that's all I'm going to say.